For per month of training under the supervision of a mentor, you are able to slim down well.

Bloggers and trainers are increasingly offering people who wish to lose a couple of unwanted weight to participate in fitness marathons. They are paid, however the creators promise that you will achieve stunning produces a reasonably short time, lose weight by the summer, and shine on the beaches. Girls are often interested in slimming down, but creators also invite men to participate in some marathons. Also, you can try you on 22Bet.

Sounds promising, but what goes on following the magic weight-loss marathon has ended?

A fitness marathon is a type of sports quest, which aims to improve the body’s health and shed extra pounds quickly. The audience’s interest is fueled through the opportunity to win an automobile or any other top smartphone model. Diet and workouts are drawn up for that participants. 

A menu for every day has been ready for you, and you have to train about three to 4 times per week. Plus, marathon runners are invited to special chats to communicate with others and ask psychologists, nutritionists, and trainers.

It all looks cool, given that there's a dream figure ahead. But there's also nuances.

What’s the issue?

First of all, the diet plan and training are equipped for the average participant. The creators of the marathon cannot physically measure the state of each person, take into account all his diseases, psychological state. In this case, a participant with special needs usually has to run a marathon according to the general program.

Also, because of the huge flows of marathon runners, it's almost unrealistic to compose a calorie for everyone correctly. Due to this, you might not have access to enough nutrients, which will negatively modify the functioning from the body.

The downside is based on the procedure for rapid weight loss. In the end, if you slim down too rapidly, you will gain it back just like quickly, going back to your usual way of life. And becoming better again is extremely scary. Because of this, a person can develop eating disorders, an over-focus on appearance, and, as a result, health issues.

How quickly do you achieve the result?

You can achieve excellent leads to fitness marathons. A person finds himself in a community of like-minded people, where everyone is on a single wavelength. In addition, due to the promised prizes, there's also a competitive spirit.

On average, participants can lose plus or minus 4-7 kg. But often, the weight returns.

What to do to help keep the result?

You need to try to gradually “reflash” your program of life. Do not expect that it'll be easy and fast: probably, you'll need more than one month and perhaps annually. A long-lasting result needs a lot of time, effort, self-control, and daily focus on oneself.

Don’t improve your life abruptly. You need a smooth transition. However, changing habits too rapidly can cause stress in the body, which will not result in anything good.

You must follow the regime you lived in throughout the marathon not less than six months.

We do not suggest that you get too stuck on “bad” foods for example sugar. We feel that things are possible but in moderation. So begin small: if you ate five sweets on the cup of coffee, eat two; for those who have never run, but wish to start, run not 10 kilometers, but at least one first.

And if you cannot organize yourself, contact the specialists. They will always assist you to, put you on your feet, and let you know in which direction you need to move.