If you're employed within an office, odds are, you're sitting a lot more than 8 hours daily. For many people, that's more than half of the waking hours. With the health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle, here are some easy methods for any office worker to stay active without going go the dreaded gym.

Bike or walk to work

Can't find time for you to work out? Then it is time for you to get
your old bike from the basement, dust it off, pump up the tires and begin a brand new
routine of cycling to operate.

A British medical journal published research, which confirmed that biking
to operate is linked to a considerably lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular
disease- and early mortality.

Alternatively, you can walk to operate if the distance
between your home and workplace is affordable.

Not only does walking help you to stay active, it also
makes you feel less stressed. Research conducted recently conducted by researchers in the
University of East Anglia demonstrated that workers who switched from driving to
either walking or biking experienced greater well-being, particularly when it
found their concentration levels.

Stand up regularly

Companies that sell standing desks advise workers to
substitute the conventional desks with one of these standing desks. Based on them,
standing desks have several benefits and much less health risks.
These benefits include reducing lower back pain and mitigating chance of putting on weight.

However, there is a growing body of evidence that shows
that meaning too long is just as risky as prolonged sitting. In fact, a study published in the Journal of
Epidemiology established that occupations which involve meaning extended
periods are linked to a 2-fold chance of coronary disease when compared with
occupations that involve prolonged sitting.

The secret to avoiding health problems related to
either prolonged standing or sitting would be to practise moderation. In other words,
you should not sit or stand all day. Instead, ensure you get up and move about

Guidelines highlighted within the British
Journal of Sports Medicine urge desk-based workers to stand for two hours
throughout a 8-hour workday. They ought to then increase this gradually to four

Find a Reason to Move More

This may seem like a no-brainer. However when you're so
engrossed in your work, you might not even realize that you have been sitting
constantly for hours.

In a current research,
it had been discovered that for each additional hour that you simply continue sitting after
five hours, your waist size increases by 2 centimetres, and your risk of
developing cardiovascular disease rises by 0.2%.

Therefore, you ought to be creative and find a great
excuse to maneuver every couple of hours. For example, you are able to:

  • Take a long route –
    whether you're going to the breakroom or to your supervisor's office, take the
    longer route so you can get more steps.
  • Have meetings around the go-
    forego holding meetings in the conference room and instead, take a stroll with
    your employees.
  • Pass on emails and instead
    bring your news straight to your colleagues- not only does this keep you active,
    it also builds your interpersonal skills.
  • Find a sandwich shop further
    across the street – humans are creatures of habit, and that's why most people visit
    the closest cafe everyday to get their lunch. But you can alter things up a
    bit and find a brand new and distant shop to purchase your lunch from.

Redesign your projects Environment

If you have the some time and budget, redesign your
workplace to encourage mobility.

Begin with your cubicle. Start to see it as more than
only a spot to work, but stretch and even do simple exercises. Following some fundamental rules of office ergonomics
can go a very long distance.

If you're in a leadership position, concentrate on making
the stairs a more attractive choice for everyone at the office. One study shows that
using a staircase is a good way to burn more calories.

All all too often, you will notice that elevator banks are
centrally located while stairs are somewhat hidden and poorly lit. Some
building owners even prevent use of these stairs (for fire code purposes).
There's also the fact that some staircases look spooky.

If you need to encourage your employees to remain active, you'll have to redesign those stairs making them more attractive. By redesigning we mean installing the staircase within an open, brightly-lit area. In addition it should be wide enough for various individuals to utilize it at the same time.

If the elevator is the only way to get to your office,
then consider adjusting its settings. You are able to program it to stop every two or
three floors. This can persuade folks just to walk the rest of the method to their
offices. If you fail to redesign your workspace in any sort of way, then
consider relocating to some more ergonomically-designed building.

Key Takeaway

Wouldn't it's great when we all worked for
organizations that offer lunchtime yoga classes and in-office gyms? Unfortunately,
this isn't the reality for many office workers, which is why you need to take
an initiative to remain active at your workplace. Start by cycling or travelling to
work. Next, ensure you stand regularly; within a typical 8-hour workday, you
should are a symbol of 2 to 4 hours. Also, look for reasons that encourage you
to move about instead of remaining seated at the desk all day long.