The most of individuals who choose to occupy fitness usually end up stuck in choosing between lifting weights and performing cardio-based training. While cardio-based training seems like the favorite choice for weight loss, we must realize the significance of lifting weights.

This article is aimed at informing you on the importance of each of these types of workout in shedding off that extra weight you've been looking forward to no longer having.

Calories Burned Per Session

Scientists researched how many calories individuals burn in each session of performing various activities. Based on these studies, your body weight will help you estimate the number of calories you'll burn per activity, including cardio and weight lifting. If you weigh more, you'll burn more.

For a 165 pounds (74.84 kg) individual, the expectation is that you will burn 250-260 calories while performing Half an hour of jogging, whereas should you run in a speed of 6 miles per hour for the similar Half an hour, you will burn 365-370 calories.

However, inside a weight lifting session, exactly the same person is likely to burn around 140-240 calories. Generally, if you are designed for burning a higher amount of calories inside a session, you should perform cardio-based training.

Calories Burned Per Day

Weight training workouts are unlikely to lose as many calories as cardio-based workouts; however, lifting weights has many benefits. One such benefit is muscle building; muscle is responsible for burning more calories resting than other body tissues. Muscle building is popular for increasing resting metabolism.

It is essential to notice that weight training can make metabolisms increase gradually and not skyrocket all at one time. Another essential benefit of weight training is that it increases the number of calories expended after training rather than cardio-based training. Some have reported that weight lifting can elevate resting metabolism for approximately 38 hours after weight lifting.

The higher the intensity of the workout, the more calories to be burned afterward. 

High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT):

An alternative type of training that gives calorie-burning services may be the High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT). This type of training usually involves short bursts of very intense exercise, interchanged with low-intensity rest periods. The workouts last for around 15-30 minutes and include various exercises such as jump roping, sprinting, biking, or any other body-weight workouts.

Researchers have proven the benefits of HIIT training for weight loss; findings show that HIIT training burned 25-30% more calories than other kinds of exercises. However, this does not invalidate the benefits of other types of workouts for weight loss; instead, it shows the significance of HIIT as a substitute.

Researchers show that HIIT and traditional cardio reduce excess fat and waist circumference to some similar extent. As for calories, HIIT and traditional cardio burn a similar quantity of calories within 30 minutes; a potential benefit of HIIT may be the period of time spent working out–less than traditional cardio.

Diversifying Training

Researchers show that weight training may not be well suited for weight reduction but play a huge role in altering your body composition because it increases muscle while reducing excess fat.

 A study conducted on 119 obese adults showed that while cardio-based training is the best alternative for weight and fat loss, combining it with weight lifting will yield the very best body composition changes.

Dieting and Training

The advantages of combining enough exercise with healthy dieting are somewhat public knowledge. Health professionals recommend a change of both diet and training habits in promoting weight reduction.

A good weightloss routine should have a reduced amount of calorie consumption, combined with sufficient exercise for the best results. Lots of people have spread the narrative that the healthy diet is sufficient for weight loss, an undeniable fact that is far-fetched as dieting without exercise will lead to frustrations and not results. However, it doesn't mean that it'll not lead to weight loss; rather, the frustrations because of slow progress may eventually result in self-inflicted starvation, which negatively affects your body.    

How you package the food is vital when it comes to dieting. Make sure you make well-balanced meals, and whenever you want on moving out of the house, wear some quality food packaging.


While cardio-based training burns more calories per session and weight training increase metabolism that eventually results in the burning of calories, you need to find the two's ideal balance. Diversifying a good work out program yields the greatest results for both weight loss and body composition change. You may lose a substantial amount of weight but nonetheless not like how you look after it, which means you should balance both the kinds of exercises you perform and the diet you follow to yield lasting results.
As you workout, involve the kids who are around you to make it more enjoyable and good for everyone, mainly because it can help instill discipline in you and the children while you aim to set a good example for that children. Find some recommended toddler workouts for your kids and as you need to do so, ensure they've their dieting needs taken care of either in the house or outside the house. Buying bulk baby food pouches could help with your outdoor food packaging needs while saving on the price you would incur in buying one piece everytime time you need to. All the best!