Gov. Andy Beshear reported a lot more than 3,400 COVID-19 cases on Wednesday and continued his push for Kentuckians to abide by coronavirus restrictions during Thanksgiving celebrations.

Kentucky had a record-breaking weekly total in excess of 20,000 cases moving into the holiday week. The 3,408 new cases reported Wednesday continued a weeks-long period of uncontrolled spread in most from the state, together with a record 3,825 new cases Nov. 20.

Beshear urged Kentuckians to follow CDC guidelines and steer clear of traveling for Thanksgiving. Additional guidance in the Kentucky Department for Public Health listed celebration ideas that adhere to coronavirus restrictions, including virtual dinners and online shopping.

“Thanksgiving is one of my personal favorite holidays, and usually we get along with about 15 people,” Beshear said. “This year, we just can't do that. I'm really disappointed, like all people are, but protecting my parents, my kids, our neighbors and all of our overall health care workers needs to come first. I'm grateful for those Kentuckians who're sacrificing this season to keep each other safe.”

More than 1,700 Kentuckians have been in a healthcare facility due to COVID-19, 409 have been in the ICU and 216 on ventilators. Beshear reported 26 new deaths Wednesday.