Gov. Andy Beshear says the $2,000 stimulus checks that President Mr . trump and Democrats are pushing for would bring billions in direct support to Kentucky families.

President Trump, Democrats as well as an increasing number of Republicans have also voiced support for that payments. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked Democrats efforts to carry an instantaneous vote to improve stimulus checks to $2,000.

“The House has voted for it, obama really wants to sign it, the Senate is the only thing standing in the clear way of $5 billion likely to our families, or not,” Beshear said during Tuesday’s Coronavirus briefing.

Instead McConnell said the Senate would consider larger payments along Trump's other demands, including removing a legitimate shield for tech companies and investigating election fraud.

“This week, the Senate will start a procedure to create these three priorities into focus,” he explained.

Beshear called McConnell's efforts to tie the problems together a “strategic political move.”

“Two-thousand dollar checks to help the United states citizens have nothing related to liabilities for tech companies or the last election, nothing,” he explained.

Kentucky Coronavirus Relief

Kentucky households are set to receive $600 direct payments per adult (and $600 per child) included in the relief package President Trump signed into law on Sunday. Individuals earning $75,000 or less and couples earning $150,000 or less qualify, Beshear said.

That means just one parent with two children qualifies for $1,800 in stimulus.

In total, Beshear said the direct payments will prove to add an estimated $2.265 billion into Kentucky's economy.

“That's money that can be used to assist our retailers, our restaurants, our small businesses,” he explained.

Kentuckians on unemployment will receive an additional $300 per week for 11 weeks from the authorities, amounting to an estimated $500 million for that state. Federal relief funding includes nearly $300 million for rental and utility assistance.

Beyond help for Kentucky families, the relief funding offers an estimated $350 million to help fight COVID-19. Which includes funding for testing, contact tracing and vaccine distribution.

There's also more than $1.2 billion in education funding, approximately $165 million block grant for highways and more than $28 million to improve the state's airports.

Beshear said the act hasn't done everything he hoped it would, but takes significant steps to assist Kentuckians return to their feet. He explained more assistance will come from the state's budget, that the governor promises to unveil next week.

Tuesday COVID Numbers

Beshear reported 2,990 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday. He said Tuesday's numbers indicate the exponential growth the experienced throughout November has stopped and cases have begun to slow, or plateau.

  • 1,635 hospitalized
  • 380 in ICU
  • 211 on ventilators
  • 8.41% positivity rate
  • 31 deaths