For many years I’ve led an exercise called the Spirit Junkie Masterclass. This training helps spiritual people gain the confidence and business-building tools to inspire others by doing what inspires them. It attracts people from all professions and backgrounds. I’ve met lawyers, yogis, life coaches, therapists, nurses, makeup artists, and more. But they all start working out with one common desire: to make an impact in the world and be abundant doing it.

My students begin their Spirit Junkie Masterclass journey excited, inspired, and excited to walk into their power. But I’ve noticed a number of common fears and types of resistance at the beginning of the training. Many students don’t feel like they’re good enough or have enough resources to do the big work they want to do.

This fear mentality turns up in all of us, especially when we’re around the precipice of something great. Fear of not having enough and anxiety about not being enough are both major blocks to our Super Attractor power. Many people are afflicted by feelings of lack that have been ingrained in them since childhood. Or they constantly compare themselves to other people and see everything as a competition. I’ve fallen prey to these thoughts and behaviors, and I’m sure you've too.

When you’re envious of the items someone else has, or when you see someone as somehow much better than you because of what they have, you lower your energetic vibration. These feelings of comparison and judgment cause us to vibrate in a low frequency, repelling the thing we want.

The fear, lack, and comparison I saw in my Spirit Junkie Masterclass students are a few things i took very seriously. I recognized these blocks as ones I'd struggled with too, and that i looked at the ways I had cleared them in my own life. I then adjusted the training to have a strong focus on confidence and alignment using the Universe.

In order for my students for everyone in the big, meaningful ways they desired, they have to release the beliefs that held it well and kept their vibrations low. I began by helping them know how their lack and comparisons were blocking their Super Attractor power.

Here are the seven blocks I identified within my students. We all have these blocks, and they show up in sneaky ways. This is an opportunity to get honest on your own. We can’t harness our attracting power until we all know how we block it. Don’t hesitate of these blocks, as they’re common and many of us are unconscious of them. Our awareness is what heals the patterns that hold us back from being Super Attractors.


If you harbor feelings of not being enough or not having enough, you expend lots of effort trying to prove to the world that you are enough. All that effort blocks the flow from the Universe. When we spend our energy trying to prove ourselves to the world, we lose track of feeling good — because we’re trying so hard to feel good enough. The constant attempts to feel good enough come off as needy energy. This low-level energy repels the things you want. It repels the support of others, it repels your own creative ideas, and it repels inspiration from the Universe. The time and energy you pour into attempting to prove your worthiness end up part of the reason why you don’t receive what you want. The great news is that there is a way out of this lack mentality.


The idea that there’s not enough to go around is a pervasive fear. In this fear state, we find it difficult to get what we want, and that we take pride in our overachiever behavior. We believe that we have to get as much as we are able to before someone else takes it. We make a zero-sum situation in which there’s only a lot to go around. This mentality, while it might spur us into action, can simply as likely paralyze us. Many people avoid taking action on their desires simply because they fear the potential for disappointment. When you believe there’s a limit to abundance and joy, you might avoid trying altogether. However when we shift from a realm of lack to a world of abundance, we can remember that there’s more than enough to go around. Our work is all about alignment. Every practice in my book will help you tune in to the frequency that permits you to recognize all the abundance who are around you. When you’re tuned to the energy of abundance, you become abundant.


A big block to our Super Attractor power is when we compare ourselves to others. At some point we are all guilty of this behavior, and it’s understandable. All we must do is open a social networking app for a constant stream of possibilities to compare. Your inner voice of fear loves to use comparison to stop you from claiming what you desire. That fear-based voice wants to keep you “safe,” playing small , minimizing perceived risk. However, you lose your power to attract when comparing. Your Super Attractor power comes from how you feel, your faith in love, as well as your joy. When you’re comparing, your focus isn’t how you feel, your faith in love, or even the happiness you emanate. Instead, your focus is on what you have or don’t have, everything you’re lacking, and all that you think you need in order to achieve. If your focus is on the outside, then you’ll constantly compare you to ultimately those who seem to have what you want.

BLOCK #4: The necessity to WIN AT THE EXPENSE OF Having a good time

The Universe is an all-inclusive stream of abundance, and there’s enough for everyone. When we become competitive, we cut off the stream of abundance. The worry of losing or the need to win is really another type of lack, one that implies scarcity. Many people pride themselves on their competitive nature, but it can create resistance. They make their happiness and feeling of success dependent on “winning.” Even when it comes to “healthy competition,” a transfer of perception can be very valuable. While some people may thrive in sports or business because of their competitive nature, I challenge you to consider a new idea. What if you shifted your focus off of the need to win and the anxiety about losing and onto how much fun the activity brings? This straightforward shift will put you right into a state of joy, which inevitably brings far more success.

Competing at the expense of having fun is the opposite of letting go. If you want to win in order to feel good, happy, or successful, then competition only creates separation, judgment, attack, inner turmoil, along with a belief in lack. When your happiness depends on the score, you’re sending a message to the Universe that you need to be “better” than someone else to feel good enough. That energy isn't supported. I’m not saying to decrease out of all competitive activities. Many people derive a lot of pleasure, joy, satisfaction, personal growth, and interpersonal bonding from competitive activities. What’s important is your answer to this question: How does competing make you feel? If the fear of losing perpetually looms in the back of your mind, and you feel joy only if you win — and that joy fades while you gear up for the next competition — then competition is a block to your Super Attractor power.


I’ve witnessed lots of people deny their dreams due to fear of rejection. The idea of denial can be paralyzing. Many of us have come to see rejection like a form of humiliation or defeat. However, there is another way to view it. I’ve learned to determine rejection as a form of protection. I trust that when something doesn’t work out generate an income planned, it’s because there’s something far greater in store for me.

Here is an example from my career. I had been presented with what appeared like a fantastic opportunity. I was really psyched as we contemplated an exciting plan. But the lawyers were taking a long time to negotiate every detail of the contract. New versions were constantly being drafted, but none of them seemed to incorporate our ideas or needs. 6 months of negotiations went by, as well as in many ways I felt as though we were going backward! Frustrated by the situation, I decided to open up to seeing things differently. Rather than trying to make something that felt wrong work, I selected to see the situation as guidance in the Universe. When I took one step back, it became obvious to me that the issue was not the nitty-gritty aspects of the deal; there was a fundamental lack of understanding as to what each side wanted. All of the resistance we’d received on the way wasn’t rejection. It was guidance. I was being led to not perform the deal. Two years later we glance back on this offer and celebrate the way it fell apart! I am grateful for the lawyers getting in the way, and we know that the Universe was just guiding us in the right direction.

Accepting rejection as guidance gives you another opportunity to follow the flow of the Universe and strengthen your faith in a plan better than your own. Most important, you’ll no longer fear rejection. Releasing that fear will give you the freedom to dream big, take fearless action, and let life lead you. Rejection could possibly be the greatest guidance of all.


Do you ever feel as though once you achieve a goal, you immediately have to move on to the next one? Not feeling complete within the moment of achievement, do you keep reaching toward the next goal? The need-more mentality is another form of lack. It shows that you may be looking for something outside yourself to feel complete rather than having faith in your completeness now. The outside search for success, accomplishment, and approval is an addictive pattern that keeps us out of alignment with the Universe.

I lived with a need-more mentality for decades. I’d achieve one goal only to be immediately obsessed with the following. My husband worried that I never took time to celebrate my success or be really present in the moment. I was achieving because I believed in myself, but I wasn’t enjoying the journey. Let me pause here for a moment, because it’s important to point this out. If you think maybe in your ability to achieve your desires, then they will come into form. Having faith in your ability is important, but it’s not even close to the only important thing. If you’re not having fun along the way, then what’s the point? Ultimately, living with the need-more mentality blocks you from reaching your full potential.


Another big block for your Super Attractor power is the emphasis on what others think. I’ve seen this block reveal itself in lots of of my friends and students. My students have big dreams of sharing their spiritual use the world. They see themselves writing books, speaking on stages, and spreading empowering lessons in their own unique ways. But anxiety when being judged holds them back. They tell me that their family and friends don’t believe in their profession or dreams. My response is, “The only reason they don’t have confidence in it is because you still don’t.” I help them to see how their lack mentality and disbelief are being mirrored back to them by others. Our vibes attract our tribe. Embodying an energy of lack and self-judgment sends out a message to others that we don’t feel good enough or worthy of what we should desire. That energy could be felt miles away.

When you release your resistance, you'll feel released by others. Recognize that other people’s judgments reveal the places in which you lack faith. Every experience and encounter offers you guidance toward healing the lingering resistance that holds you back from as being a Super Attractor. So rather than blaming others for resisting your dreams, thank them for demonstrating an opportunity for great growth and healing.

Lack, doubt, comparison, and insecurity stand it the way of attracting our desires. But there's a way through each of these blocks, as I describe in my book. Try these methods, and you’ll see for yourself how fast you can move from an energy of lack for an energy of faith. There’s no reason for you to play small anymore. The Universe has big plans for you personally, and it’s time to claim them.

Excerpt from Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. Reprinted with permission from Hay House.