Carving out an independent path like a freelancer, consultant, or entrepreneur is definitely an exhilarating journey toward self-realization. But self-employment includes its own sources of stress and worry. These are a few best practices for maintaining your balance.

Create a routine. Self-employed people can get sucked into long hours that become cycles of burnout. When possible, set regular hours and make up a dedicated workspace in your home or elsewhere (see below) that you can leave when you need to recharge.

Build in rest and use. You’re writing your own calendar, so schedule daily exercise, regular meals, and the occasional nap to restore your creativity.

Make a financial budget. Income can be erratic: Create a monthly budget reflecting just how much you absolutely need to earn to cover housing, food, recreation, healthcare, and other basic expenses. Hayden recommends setting aside several months’ worth of these costs so you feel more room to breathe. If you think you’re falling short, devote a while each week to reaching out to start up business prospects or clients.

Get away from home. Working only at home could be distracting. Locate the best coffee shops and libraries where you can put in productive hours. And look into coworking spaces — many have flexible leasing plans and can be great places for finding new customers and cultivating the social together with your traditional workplace.