Each year, a panel of prestigious experts convenes to assess popular eating plans and pick the best one. A Mediterranean weight loss program is named winner time and again. It's no wonder: Studies prove by doing this of eating protects against just about any age-related disease. Research also shows it may trigger 323 percent more weight loss than other healthy diets. How? Well, both Italian-style and traditional Mediterranean menus are made on unprocessed food. That means the body must burn a large number of extra calories per week to digest it all.

On top of that, staples have an abundance of colourful produce plus moderate amounts of whole grain products, natural fat, seafood, and dairy – which are loaded with nutrients proven to help melt spare pounds and dramatically improve well-being. And since you skip sugar and unhealthy foods, “you replace foods that drive obesity and disease with foods that fight them,” notes Mediterranean Prescription author Angelo Acquista, MD.

As for that reason women 50 plus get such a boost from Italian-style Mediterranean eating, Dr. Lombardo's analysis pinpointed two standout ingredients.

How Olive Oil Boosts Weight Loss

Dr. Lombardo notes that Italian-style Mediterranean dieters get nearly 20 % of the calories from essential olive oil. The advantage: Studies not just show the oil's compounds slash the chance of cardiovascular disease, additionally they lower blood sugar, speed metabolism, and more.

Plus, new findings suggest antioxidants in olive oil “feed” special bacteria within our digestive tract that may reverse age-related putting on weight. “Olive oil is special,” confirms Brown University's Mary Flynn, RD, PhD. In her own research, women in their 60s and 70s who went on a Mediterranean-style diet with a minimum of three tablespoons of essential olive oil daily could eat more total calories but still shed more pounds weight than other dieters.

How Plant-Based Proteins Boost Weight Loss

On Italy's Mediterranean coast, low-cost beans and peas actually beat fish as the main protein. Besides that cut costs, it fights middle-age spread: Exciting new information hints that plant protein heals damage to little furnaces within our cells, “offsetting age-related metabolic disturbances,” says study head Hana Kahleova, MD from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

And beans' power doesn't end there. Experts note additionally they contain a special type of “resistant” starch that's shown to trigger 20 percent faster fat burning while slashing levels of belly-fattening insulin by 73 percent.

But why did Dr. Lombardo's study find plant protein helped women maintain metabolism-boosting muscle? For the time being, it's a slimming, energizing mystery! One thing is perfect for sure: Consume the Italian-Mediterranean way, “and you don't need a strict diet to attain radical changes,” says Dr. Lombardo. “My patients are always amazed.”

What kind of weight reduction can you expect from an Italian-Mediterranean diet?

When Mindy Morrow turned 50, she was blindsided by rapid weight gain. “I also had swollen feet, sore joints, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and constant sleepiness,” recalls the Kansas mom. “My mom, Carol, was 350 pounds and wheelchair-bound because of her weight. I worried I had been with that path.”

So when her doctor suggested a Mediterranean diet, Mindy began filling up on salmon, veggies, and olive oil; she also got lots of protein from plant sources like whole grains, nuts, and beans. “It was so satisfying. I started to feel hope.” Pounds came off steadily – 81 in all. She also got off blood pressure level meds she'd taken for decades. The best part: “My mom asked for help getting healthy, and it was among the happiest days of my life. She was missing on a lot because of her struggle to circumvent,” says Mindy, who began by suggesting simple Mediterranean meal ideas like lentil soup and hummus on healthy bread.

“I had my doubts,” admits Carol, 75. “But i quickly started losing weight!” A year later, Carol was down 100 pounds. “Now I walk pain free and I'm no more lacking breath. I tell everyone it's never too late to change for the better!”

What do meals on an Italian-Mediterranean diet seem like?