We all know cinnamon tastes amazing in baked goods or sprinkled into our morning coffees, but have you ever considered just brewing a few sticks in hot water? Once cooled off with a little ice (or sticking it within the fridge for a bit), you can enjoy it as being a refreshing sip fittingly called cinnamon water. The simple beverage isn’t just delicious – it also provides perks to lose weight, blood sugar levels, and even more youthful skin!

You can steep a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon if you don’t have sticks and drink it while still warm if you love to be like a tea. Or you don't mind waiting, you can infuse water with cinnamon by leaving a stick or two in a pitcher overnight. The color will not be as bold as brewing methods, however it will still taste lovely.

Whatever way you are making it, cinnamon water includes a reputation for boosting weight loss. Although most of the evidence supporting this is anecdotal, a minumum of one study linked the beverage to improved fat burn and muscle building. Another discovered that it promotes the introduction to carbs, that is ideal for digestion and preventing blood sugar spikes following a meal.

Cinnamon is also well known for other diabetic-friendly properties, such as the capability to lower blood sugar and insulin resistance by acting like insulin in our system. A review of studies claimed those benefits can be achieved to eat only a pinch (less than 1/10 of a teaspoon) of the spice every day. 

Your heart will thank you for sipping on cinnamon water, too. Promising studies suggest it may reduce blood pressure, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Plus, it's one of the most potent causes of antioxidants that tame inflammation, which is another common cause of heart problems and other chronic health problems.

And if you're thirsty for one more compelling reason to give cinnamon water a try, studies show that consuming the spice promotes the production of collagen within our skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.