If you are looking for a feel-good method to shrink your waist, then – surprise! – you might like to consider giving your liver some TLC.

“The liver may be the unsung hero of metabolic process and well-being,” insists nutritionist Haylie Pomroy, dubbed the “Metabolism Whisperer” by Dr. Oz and A-list clients like Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lopez, and Cher. “Everything we eat and absorb is processed through the liver. As well as in today's world, it's so easy to overburden the organ, causing it to slack on a lot more than 600 metabolic functions.” The result is putting on weight, fatigue, and health issues galore.

“The trouble gets chalked up to inevitable age-related changes, but really all we need is really a liver boost,” Pomroy says. That's why she come up with simple plan she's sharing here. “Women let me know their energy shoots up, their moods improve, plus they lose as much as 17 pounds – all in only 10 days”

Think wine and cocktails would be the top threat to liver health? Not too. “Excessive alcohol is damaging, but many people don't drink enough for it to be a big factor,” notes Pomroy. The real culprit: refined carbohydrates.

Turns out, among the liver's most time-consuming jobs is turning excess carbs into fat for storage. Because the person with average skills now downs 300 pounds of sugar and flour a year, modern livers pump out much more fat than they're meant to handle. “Fat gets stuck within the liver,” Dr. Oz recently explained.

As these fatty deposits build up, they make the organ increasingly sluggish over time. Luckily, the liver has the capacity to clean itself out if you provide a break from refined carbs – so that is how Pomroy has you get started. Then she can help you go to the next level.

Our livers are not just clogged, they're swollen. “Fatty deposits cause inflammation, which makes it even harder for the liver to operate. So anti-inflammatory foods are an easy way to boost results,” says Pomroy, who prescribes lots of antioxidant-rich produce, herbs, and spices (especially turmeric) along with healing protein and soothing good fats. And she doesn't hold on there.

Pomroy makes tea, soups, and much more using ingredients proven to enhance liver function. For instance, there's evidence that the compound in grapefruit called naringenin acts like lighting fluid within the liver, helping it burn fat faster.

So about this plan, you'll eat grapefruit every day. Sulfur-rich garlic and eggs will also be staples on her behalf plan because they help the liver neutralize toxins, further easing its workload. Meanwhile, options like parsley, nuts, and dandelion “stimulate the production of enzymes that help your liver break up fat.” Cleveland Clinic experts using similar strategies say they're so powerful, liver tests can normalize in fewer than two weeks.

The main point here: You will be eating a lot of healthy food choices. “You've got to literally flood your body with nutrients. A body that's struggling needs more, not less,” Pomroy says. “This is one thing you will be proud you're doing, proud to share recipes with your daughter in order to give your grandchild a bite of the items on your table.”

And it's not necessary to stop after Ten days. People that continue drop up to 45 pounds inside a month and also over 100 pounds in 4 months. “The weight loss is important, and the health turnarounds are even more impressive,” she says. “The liver plays a large role in hormonal balance, in order it improves, everything gets better – skin, sleep, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar. You will be amazed!”

Eat more to burn more.

While by using this approach from Pomroy, eat breakfast within Half an hour of getting out of bed and spread sittings evenly. For any meal, swap in a serving each of protein, fat and fruit, plus unlimited non-starchy veggies. Twice daily, eat soup (recipe right). Still hungry? Have celery or even more soup. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water (a 180-pound woman would sip 90 ounces). As always, get your doctor's okay to try any new plan.

Breakfast – Blend 3 cups greens, 1 peeled grapefruit or orange, 1/4 raw beet, 1 Tbsp. sunflower butter, 1 Tbsp. coconut oil, 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup ice.

Lunch – Top a large leafy green salad with diced cooked chicken white meat, diced hard-cooked egg and olive-oil vinaigrette; give a side of sliced mango or peaches.

Tea – Boil 7 milk thistle tea bags, 7 dandelion tea bags, 1 Tbs. turmeric, juice of 6 limes and 18 cups water; switch off heat and steep 1 hr. Sip 3 cups daily, hot or iced.