Joint pain, insomnia, low mood and energy – if you've experienced any of these symptoms, ugh, we're feeling for you. Symptoms like these can definitely hinder our standard of living, but they are often caused by nutritional deficiencies that can be easily remedied with the addition of nutrient-rich foods and supplements, like magnesium, to your diet. 

About 50 percent of american citizens are deficient in magnesium, a mineral which is essential to over 300 essential chemical reactions in your body. Magnesium helps us convert food into energy, form new proteins for muscle tissues, create and repair our DNA, relax and contract our muscles, and regulate our nervous system, to name a few. So getting good magnesium in your diet can help you age slower, convey more energy, sleep better – as well as slim down!

Among its benefits, magnesium is also believed to alleviate the signs of depression. Inside a study published in the journal Magnesium Research, adults identified as having depression were given 450 mg of magnesium each day, and saw improvements in mood comparable to those on medications for depression. Some experts even claim that the removal of magnesium from modern-day foods through extensive processing may well be a major reason for depressive symptoms, considering that the mineral plays such a significant role in mood regulation in the brain. Interesting!

Another major advantage of magnesium is that it's a potent anti-inflammatory. Inflammation may be the root cause of numerous diseases, in addition to issues like joint and muscle pain. A minimal consumption of magnesium continues to be linked to chronic inflammation. On top of sickness, chronic inflammation can cause problems like premature aging and obesity, which means that upping your magnesium intake is essential if you're searching to maintain a sound body and weight over time. 

Another study of 100 older adults discovered that supplementing with magnesium significantly lowered inflammatory markers in subjects compared to a placebo group. And because of its anti-inflammatory properties, magnesium is also used as a potent pain reliever for aching joints and muscles, migraines, and even PMS symptoms! 

Magnesium really goes to work on helping the body relax, as well as in that regard, it can make an excellent sleep aid. Magnesium regulates neurotransmitters which connect the central nervous system and also the brain, helping to encourage a feeling of calm in your body. It also has an effect on the hormone melatonin which is accountable for your body's sleep/wake cycles. In fact, magnesium binds to the same neurotransmitter, GABA, which is used by prescription sleep medications like Ambien. That's all-natural sleep power without the drowzy negative effects!

In addition to each one of these benefits, magnesium continues to be praised because of its capability to lower blood pressure, fight the results of Diabetes type 2, enhance exercise performance, and much more. So, if you are ready to start incorporating it to your daily health routine, we can not say we blame you. Luckily, there are a few ways to get more magnesium. Lots of foods consist of the mineral, like fatty fish, almonds and cashews, avocados, spinach, pumpkin seeds, and yes – dark chocolate (that's the 70 to 80 percent cacao version, obviously). 

However, if you're searching to take a magnesium supplement to enhance your intake, there are plenty of options to choose from. As always, confer with your doctor when considering new supplements. Magnesium can affect those found on heart medications, diuretics, or antibiotics.

Magnesium Supplements to test

Nested Naturals Magnesium Glycinate

Best Magnesium Supplement for Sleep

$21.95, Amazon

If your quality of sleep isn’t what you would like it to be, try Nested Naturals’ magnesium glycinate. A 2012 study showed that magnesium can be beneficial to those struggling with insomnia, especially as we grow older. Using the magnesium glycinate –  a kind of magnesium that delivers high levels of absorption and bioavailability – found in this supplement, you’ll get all the soothing and calming benefits you have to assist you to drift off to dreamland, stat. 

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Seven Minerals Natural Magnesium Cream

best magnesium cream for pain

$24.95, Amazon

Calm knee pain, leg cramps, and muscle soreness with Seven Minerals Magnesium Cocoa Butter Cream with vitamin E. In addition to offering pain alleviation, the cocoa butter and e vitamin help provide long-lasting moisture. This cream is organic and possesses no artificial fragrances, soy, or preservatives. Also, you can purchase this product with full confidence. If you're not completely pleased with you buy the car, you're going to get a complete refund.

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Asutra Topical Magnesium Chloride Oil Spray

best magnesium oil spray

$12.99, Amazon

Sourced from the pristine Zechstein Sea in the Netherlands, Astura Pure Zechstein Magnesium Oil promises rapid transdermal absorption via the skin to your cells. Simply spray this oil where needed and get relief from aches, pains, leg cramps, and muscle spasms. Customers have also reported it increases energy levels and bladder function. In addition, this magnesium oil spray comes with a free 30-page electronic book which contains all you need to learn about magnesium. The book touches on nutritional causes of magnesium and tips for managing your magnesium levels. Immediately after ordering, you're emailed the book, so you can begin reading before you decide to get the spray.