As millions considered vitamin C-rich foods and supplements to enhance immunity during the pandemic, most had no idea they were setting themselves up for any slew of slimming side effects. Indeed, ladies have suddenly begun melting up to 11 pounds a week – a phenomenon that does not surprise experts one bit. “We know people with the highest levels of ascorbic acid within their body burn more fat and weigh less,” confirms Arizona State University's Carol Johnston, PhD, that has led a large number of studies around the nutrient.

Meanwhile, British scientists now have proof that the vitamin C diet helps women over 50 build more metabolism-boosting muscle. There's also evidence the vitamin releases flab that accumulates when blood sugar is high. “Getting optimal amounts of C can be a game changer,” says top natural health expert Natasha Turner, MD. Of course, not everyone who increases their C gets lean. There is however a breakthrough treatment for that…

Turns out, ascorbic acid is water soluble, meaning as soon as it hits fluid in our GI tract, it begins to dissolve. “This allows it to go in cells quickly yet causes it to be difficult to store,” explains Harvard-trained integrative physician Amy Shah, MD. If we consume a lot of C at the same time or have a traditional supplement, 50 percent or more is simply flushed away within our urine.

So this is what scientists did: Installed ascorbic acid in little bubbles of fat called liposomes to slow the nutrient's breakdown. Better yet, they realized these bubbles wind up sticking with cell membranes, in order C is gradually released, it's pulled straight into cells. “That means a lot more gets absorbed,” notes Dr. Shah, author of I'm So Effing Tired: A Proven Intend to Beat Burnout,Boost Your Energy and Reclaim Your lifetime. The proof: A recent German study found liposomal supplements increase vitamin C in cells with a whopping 265 percent. The formulation works a lot better, word spread quickly, causing all liposomal C supplements to sell out on Amazon!

How does a ascorbic acid diet work?

Neglecting her own health while taking care of her sick mom, Lynn Jordan were built with a heart attack. “It would be a wake-up call,” shares the Texas native. She joined a TOPS dieting group and also got the free Lose It! app. “It helped me track things i was eating and make better choices,” she recalls. Taking a look at her food log, she remarked that C-rich foods – citrus, mango smoothies, salsa, and much more – appeared to shrink her appetite. So she built them into staples, adding a C supplement permanently measure. Her body started to transform. Chronic knee and hip aches eased, and cholesterol and blood sugar improved. She shed 100 pounds. “And it's been painless,” says Lynn, 67. “I simply didn't realize how good I could feel!”

Extensive testing at Arizona State has found vitamin C plays a key role in metabolism; one small study even found people that reverse a C deficiency start burning 300 percent more fat. The vitamin also allows us to make carnitine, an amino acid that builds muscle tissue, says Ailsa Welch, PhD, a nutrient researcher at England's University of East Anglia. Her study determined that older women most abundant in C have the most muscle. And much more muscle means burning more calories – even as we sleep.

There's more: Ascorbic acid is definitely an antioxidant that can help protect the body against damage associated with diabetes. In fact, in a single six-week study, “a group given 1,000 milligrams of ascorbic acid experienced a significant decrease in blood sugar and insulin, while a group given less C saw no improvements,” reveals Dr. Turner, bestselling author of The Supercharged Hormone Diet. She adds the hormone insulin often malfunctions, driving hunger and fat cell function in our midsection. “Anything that lowers insulin will help control hunger, prevent cravings and eliminate stomach fat.”

And a vitamin C diet is not only about slimming. It keeps immunity strong, plus lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol, regulates moods, plus much more – there is no disadvantage to getting C up!

How much should you get every day?

“When I actually do blood tests, I find over 95 % of ladies have less than optimal amounts of C,” says Dr. Turner. “So almost everyone can usually benefit from an amount of C-rich foods at each sitting.” Best bets include citrus, bell peppers, tropical fruit, berries, cruciferous veggies, leafy greens, tomato, and yams. Important to note: C and blood sugar levels make use of the same “door” to get into cells, so a high-sugar diet lowers C absorption. It is best to avoid added sugar and excess starch.

Want to test a supplement? The docs we spoke to typically recommend 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams each day (Buy on Amazon, $7.68). If you opt for a liposomal supplement, you are able to bring your whole dose at once; for standard supplements, divide into two or three doses (Buy on Amazon, $18.97). Dr. Shah notes that folks who have C-depleting lifestyle factors like high stress or smoking may require a lot of vitamin. Always speak to your doctor before taking any supplement to find out how much fits your needs.

What does a vitamin C-rich day look like?

Here’s exactly what a sample day with increased ascorbic acid could seem like:

BREAKFAST: Blitz single serving of frozen mango chunks, one banana, one fourth cup of coconut milk, and a spritz of lime; top with fruit, nuts and coconut.

LUNCH: Serve grilled chicken over a salad of baby spinach, red onion, and berries; top with avocado, feta, and a vinaigrette.

SNACK: Layer diced C-rich veggies like bell pepper, broccoli, cabbage, and kale with chickpeas and Greek yogurt dressing.