Want to obtain a total-body transformation underway without going to the store? “Just begin to build meals around whole plant foods already inside your pantry,” suggests Michael Greger, M.D., author of mega-sellers How To not Die (Buy on Amazon, $17.01) and How Not to Diet (Buy on Amazon, $15.06). He's referring to options like whole-wheat pasta, potatoes, brown rice, beans, tomato sauce, nuts, frozen fruit and veggies.

Among more than 5,000 studies revealing the advantages of plant-based eating, new evidence shows that the approach helps us lose Ten times excess fat than typical doctor-prescribed plans. “You can also eat around you want – no portion control!” Which means huge servings together with huge improvements in blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, mood, and much more. Says Dr. Greger, “The best diet for weight loss is actually easy-peasy and the best diet for that longest, happiest, healthiest life.”

You won't count calories eating Dr. Greger's way, but they're still an unexpected factor. Turns out, whenever your menus are created with whole plants, “you may take in roughly double your normal amount of food while only consuming about half your usual calories,” he explains. Plus, Yale scientists recently confirmed that as your body works to break up all of the fiber in plants, it causes metabolism to shoot up by 14 percent. So you can literally stuff yourself and shed weight. Actually, folks report losing as much as 24 pounds in only seven days!

Then there's the few super-nutrients. Plant foods are not only much better than processed junk, “they have, on average, 64 times more antioxidant power than meat, poultry, fish, dairy and eggs,” says Dr. Greger. Which means 64 times more capacity to block oxidative stress, a cell-damaging reaction inside us “thought to become why we obtain wrinkles, why we lose memory and why our organ systems break down once we grow older.”

A flood of antioxidants from plants works fast too. When volunteers tested a plant-based approach much like Dr. Greger's, it took them only one week to slash blood pressure level by up to 49 points, bad cholesterol by up to 50 points as well as reverse prediabetes. Your mood gets an instant lift too: “Studies reveal that the greater fruit and vegetables we eat, the happier, calmer and more energetic we feel on that day and the next!”

The Ultimate Diet Shortcut

Dr. Greger says going plant-based may be the ultimate diet shortcut since you do not have to learn complicated rules or slave over a food log. Just eat whole plants until you're satisfied. There you have it. Want to make it simpler still? The internet is buzzing with ideas that make plant-based eating ultra convenient . For example, “I make big pots of steel-cut oats with cinnamon to reheat and enjoy with apple slices all week,” says Dr. Greger devotee Rondi Neuven, an Alberta grandmother, 49, down 213 pounds.

You can also “batch cook” ingredients like baked potatoes, beans and brown rice to possess on hand for throw-together meals. Bean-based pasta tastes great and cooks faster than regular pasta-just top with sauce and add a side salad. Smoothies and dark chocolate are quick, tasty desserts. “The possibilities are literally endless,” says the doc. “And the results are often quite extraordinary.”

The Plant-Based Diet Plan From Dr. Michael Greger

Dr. Greger encourages you to simply make your meals and snacks from whole plant foods. “The closer foods turn to if they are harvested, the better,” he states. For best results, avoid oil, all versions which are processed. At each sitting, eat before you feel satisfied. Stay well hydrated; Dr. Greger says unsweetened coffee and tea will also be good choices. Of course, obtain a doctor's okay to try any new plan.

Breakfast – Cook a large pot of steel-cut oats and enjoy reheated through the week topped together with your choices of fruit (fresh or frozen), nuts, cocoa nibs and/or coconut milk.

Lunch – Blitz 2 cups soaked cashews with 1 cup broth and seasoning to taste. Use as sauce over spiralized veggies or whole-grain pasta. Enjoy having a side salad.

Snack – Toss a rinsed/drained can of chickpeas with 1 Tbs. lemon juice and your favorite seasonings. Bake on lined sheet at 400oF for Forty-five minutes, stirring occasionally