Okay, so how many of you are the kind of person that always tries to search for the silver lining within our lives? (Raises hand) But if you don't have been living under a rock the entire time, you know that sometimes life makes it really hard to find the silver lining in things.
For me, I've got a personal theory when it comes to always seeing the silver lining in everyday life. I have always seen silver linings as more of a personal symbol that may vary throughout life.
For instance, if you notice a double rainbow on the horizon, to enjoying a freshly baked chocolate cookies on a rainy night. It's all about perspective. Will the silver lining always be noticeable? No. And honestly, we might not always be in the mood to concentrate on the positive during a particularly difficult time in our lives, and that’s more than okay.
We're all human and i believe the most important lessons we can learn and in mind is that it is more than okay to not be okay. And that I suppose could be a silver lining in itself too.
Silver-linings can be anything we want. In essence, they are reminders that despite life occasionally being messy, confusing, and hard it does hold beauty in it too. The saying, “Life is what you make it.” Have never rung truer for anybody who has fully experienced the good and the bad of life. I also think that silver-linings and perspective go hand-in-hand.
It's all about mindset. Life happens to you whether you're prepared for it. So why not look for silver-linings along the way to help you keep the faith and stay the course?
The point is that life happens whether you want it to or not. You had been put on this planet for a reason. With no matter what side of the bed you unveil of in the morning, why not turn to silver-linings to encourage you throughout your life?
We all need that reminder of appreciation in our lives not just for others, but for ourselves as well. We all need that little push saying, “you know what? I'm okay. Things works out. I am working hard, and that will all pay off eventually.”
The real life is never portrayed as it is in TV, books, and or movies why? Because 99% of the items that is–is a money machine. Life rarely works out as you plan, and if it will then I call that an absolute blessing.
Turn your lifetime into a silver-lining for someone else while you're here about this great big earth of ours, and make an impact and legacy that not only lasts but can be repeated. Maybe if we did that we could all learn how to appreciate life's signs and silver-linings more.