I'm not one to put all my faith into my sign, but it has bewildered me how many people have automatically judged or misunderstood me based on the fact that I am an Aquarius.

Aquarius's are classified as the unpredictable dreamers who live a little on the wild side. Now, that may not sound as bad as being a stubborn Scorpio or insecure Capricorn. However, as being a dreamer can be exhausting.

We are laughed at and mocked for dreaming so wildly. Our creativity is head shaking because individuals don't understand why we think the way that we do. We are misunderstood and called outlandish because we think with our rambling hearts rather than our overzealous brains.

However, being misunderstood isn't necessarily a bad thing. We can use this to our advantage Aquarius's! So, here are five explanations why Aquarius's are always underestimated.

1. We are constantly daydreaming and do not see why that's a bad thing.

I am constantly told which i need to get my head out of the clouds and focus more on reality. But where the heck is the fun for the reason that? I want to travel the world. I want to drink tea in London and surf the waves in California. My dreams are endless and extraordinary. It doesn't make me irresponsible or impractical. What this means is I have hope. It also means that my ideas are going to flourish at the office meeting, whereas somebody else will always play it safe with their ideas. Keep dreaming Aquarius's!

2. We can be emotionally disconnected.

But that's only because you want to separate our emotions from your work. We value our love and that we don't want to give it out to each and every person that comes into our life. We pick and choose carefully to avoid getting hurt. But this doesn't mean we are unlovable. Heck, we'll probably be the best lover you'll have.

3. We are constantly contradicting ourselves.

We love snow but hate being cold. We like the smell of coffee but don't like drinking it. That's just who we are. We make decisions quickly and run with our ideas before we have don't have a chance to stop and consider them. That's what makes life interesting. We don't want anything to be mediocre and will try everything at least once. This is what leads us to contradict ourselves, but at least we know what we like and just what we dislike.

4. We wear our emotions on our sleeves.

You will invariably know how we are feeling before we even express it. We aren't pretenders and we will always let you know if you're making us happy or hurting us. Some people hate this about us, but we do not care. We just always want to be the best version of ourselves and that we don't think that hiding how we feel will help us be happy.

5. Everything causes us to be smile.

Dogs. Cute signs. A song on the radio. We love all of the little things, which some people find both peculiar and annoying. We will be the first to say that a great joke has made our day. We stop for photo ops and love beautiful scents. This kind of makes us sound like we're a lot of free spirited hippies (I mean, we kind of are). But it also means that we will take all the time in the world to make sure that the people we love are happy. We walk out our way to do small gestures to place smiles on people's faces. We write the best birthday cards and like little surprises.

We are unique and enlightening. We dream big and passionately. People will always misunderstand Aquarius's because they can't seem to relate to us. We are truly one of a kind people and want to spread our ideas and our tenderness to everyone we encounter. We don't care if you misunderstand us because we enjoy life in a blind array of colors (observe how contradicting that was!!). But seriously, keep us because we will be the best friends and most passionate lovers you'll ever encounter.

And if you're really smart do not ever underestimate us.