Traveling alone can be terrifying, exciting, and may lead to some of the best experiences you'll ever have! I just arrived back in America after living in Florence, Italy for 4 months and I can tell you right now it was one of the best things I've ever done. If you've never traveled outside of the country before, a smaller amount alone, it can be a little bit scary. I promise when you are to your destination and start discovering not only the world but yourself, you won't ever want to leave.

1. Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is one of the the best places to visit alone because there are a lot of things to do and everything is pretty cheap! One of the main things to do here is seeing a jazz club at night. The beer in Prague is really cheaper than water! You definitely need to check out the John Lennon wall while you're here; it's perfect for plenty of Instagram pictures.

2. Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is quite simple to navigate and most people speak English. While walking the streets, you'll pass plenty of little boutiques and a lot of fresh and authentic food. Recall the pretty mosaic wall used in the Cheetah Girls 2 movie? Yeah, that really is in Barcelona and it's so worth the view at the top.

3. London, England

Hands down my favorite place I've ever visited. The underground tube train product is easy to use and goes everywhere you can actually want to go. The shopping opportunities listed here are endless. Shoreditch is one of the best places to find everything vintage.

4. Florence, Italy

A large city having a small feel. You'll never get lost because the duomo is almost always in view; if you can find that, you'll always be able to get where you're going. When you're done in Florence you are able to take a short train ride to both Rome and Venice!

5. Dublin, Ireland

This city has from historic sites to great nightlife; not to mention the cool accents and cheap beer. Make sure to take a bus tour to go see the Cliffs of Moher.

6. Nashville, Tennessee

This is the perfect city to catch some concert events in one of the most major cities in the music industry. After the show make sure to indulge in some yummy and fattening southern food.

7. Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is one of the best cities in the world and it has something for everyone. Go see an active comedy show at The Second City (where Kristen Wiig got her start). You shouldn't be afraid to be a tourist and visit The Bean (aka Cloud Gate) in Millennium Park.

8. Boracay, Philippines

Named among the happiest places in the world, this is the perfect place to take a couple of days to relax in the sun. Visiting the Philippines is the perfect opportunity to make new friends with the friendly locals.

9. Maui, Hawaii

If the Philippines is too far away, try going to Maui! Maui is another great place to take a few days basking in the sunlight with a good book. Rent a bicycle and ride around making sure to stop at all the cool waterfalls.

10. Santa Monica, California

The epitome of health. Every corner you turn there's a healthy restaurant or a farmers market. While you're in California, be sure to check out Venice beach for all the cool edgy vibes and street performers.

Traveling alone is the perfect way to get in touch with yourself and figure out what you really want in life. It opens you up to so many new experiences which you may never get if you don't go ahead and take risk of traveling. Cost is, of course, a factor as well but traveling doesn't have to be expensive! Hostels and couch-surfing sites are always relatively cheap and cooking your own food when you can help you cut down the cost of food. So what are you awaiting?!