If a day ever comes where love within our world disappears, it will be detrimental because nobody will feel safe. Nobody will understand what is going on, or how we got to the point where love sheds. No one will see it coming as it will come in a wave of negativity that propels us right into a different world. At the end of the day, it doesn't have to be this way! As humans, we can change daily if we just believe in each other.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with my neighbor about bettering the world and what we can do to accomplish this. First, we talked about how social media will eventually be the killer of this world because we live through a screen. Therefore, an excessive amount of our lives are painted through a screen, and we feel like we have to live a certain way according to what we are told. This way of thinking will get us nowhere because we feel we have to be someone who we really are not!

Why wake up everyday and live a life that is not truly for you? Why wake up and live a life the universe didn't have in store for you personally? One of the best things about this world may be the ability for a human to learn self-love. Self-acceptance and belief that tells us that as long as we wake up everyday and be ourselves, the world will be a better place. The planet doesn't have to understand our passion and methods for life, but they will realize that I am beyond thinking what others' say or believe.

As long as you are not hurting anybody, what's the problem? The problem is that people don't like anything that is different from them, but isn't that what makes the world go round? Why can't we appreciate someone for who they are instead of jumping to conclusions or giving them a call “weird,” “loser,” or other rude names. The way we speak about each other is so painful to determine, and every waking moment that love isn't put out into this world, a soul breaks.

If a day without love ever arrives, it will be detrimental because that's what we want most. As humans, it's etched within our DNA to make millions of decisions a day. Why can't one be permitted spread love and joy into our planet by being themselves? As humans, we let those million decisions that other people make for us take a toll on our life.

Take simple to use, and understand that I see you, and I see you doing well at life. You are doing your best to make it in this world, and no one should take that from you. My wish for this 2021 is that we never get to that day without love because it could be chaotic. It's coming, but we can be the generation that changes that and stops this disaster. Function as the light in the world and follow your heart with anything you do.