2021 has been awful. It's common knowledge that 2021 has been one of the worst years so far, and it's not even over.

Let's disregard the ridiculous reality TV show which was the election for a moment. One Direction split up, Brad and Angelina split, the planet mourned a dead gorilla for months, and clowns, intended for children's birthday parties, are now attempting to murder us! Disney World isn't even safe anymore… DISNEY!

To top off all of the terrible things happening in the rest of the world, one of the worst seasons for us university students is here. Midterms are coming, final projects are due, most people are procrastinating and then scrambling, and also the sun goes down before it's even the evening meal.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my mood has been plummeting the closer we get to winter and colder weather. And if you're like me, here's a list of ways to cheer yourself up when you're so over today, this week, this season, or even this year.

Spend time with people who make you feel better. If you have a friend who just understands how to listen to your problems and maybe even offer some killer advice, call that friend up! Or maybe you need to spend some time catching up with your girls and never thinking about all of your current struggles. Whatever is going on, it's important to surround yourself with people who cause you to feel amazing.

Distance yourself from people who don't. Even if it's only for any little while, sometimes you need to take a rest from people who tend to bring negative energy to you. Maybe they have a tendency to make everything about themselves, or possibly they like to belittle your problems, but somehow being around them when you're down only makes you feel worse. It's okay to take some time away from these people when you need to.

Spoil yourself, you deserve it. May it be a new top, or maybe a fresh manicure, do something for yourself that makes you feel good. Sometimes you may feel guilty for investing in yourself like you don't deserve it, but if you've been eyeing something for awhile but couldn't justify buying it, its time to go for it! Nothing will perk you up a lot more than spending a little time and money on you. Treat yo'self!

Exercise. We all know it's a fact that working out releases endorphins that make you feel amazing. However, sometimes life gets busy and things obstruct, giving us an excuse not to work out. When you're feeling completely stressed, overwhelmed, and overall down, spending an hour or so at the gym, attending a yoga class, or going for a run will clear your head and make you feel 100 times better. Even when your to-do list is a mile long, squeeze inside a workout for your own good.

Let loose. Call your favorite party friends, make yourself look hot AF, and hit the bars. Sometimes you just need to let your hair down and forget about all of your problems before you can start tackling them.

Hermit for a night. If going out and partying the night away doesn't cause you to feel better, maybe you need to spend a night in, unplugged from the world. Turn off your computer, put your phone on silent, and put on your favorite movies. Maybe put on a face mask and have a long bubble bath. A little me time to unwind and just breathe might just be what you need to feel better.

Call your mom or your best friend. She loves you, she misses you, and when you're feeling down, she'll definitely cause you to feel better.

2021 sucks and this season type of sucks but hopefully something on this list can help you to feel just a little better!